速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך ‎

Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך ‎





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:250 West Nyack Road #200 West Nyack, NY 10994

Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך ‎(圖1)-速報App

Tashlich Prayer ceremony recited during the days of awe (the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur) recited alongside a body of running water. It symbolizes one's casting away their previous years sins.

This app will tell you when the proper time to say the prayer is and give you text in Hebrew (short), Hebrew (full) and English forms.

In loving memory of

Joseph M. Katzenstein

Yehuda Moshe Yosef ben HaChaver Klonimos ע״ה

Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך ‎(圖2)-速報App

who knew how to imbue the

חול (mundane)


קודש (holy)

The recitation of Tashlich as a family unit was a Katzenstein family tradition that began when the family settled in Washington Heights in the 1940's. Joe ע״ה continued the tradition with his children and later his grandchildren first in Washington Heights, then in Monsey and Englewood. We hope that you use and share this app with your family and friends to keep Joe's ע״ה memory alive.

Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך ‎(圖3)-速報App

As such, this app personifies the way he chose to live his daily life by using the mundane to promote holiness.

The family of Diane and Joe ע״ה Katzenstein, Schabes, Factor and Feintuch families

Tashlich Prayer - סדר תשליך ‎(圖4)-速報App